Self-Care Sunday: Things I Like to Do to Unwind

Self-care has always been something my mom stressed and instilled in me, but it’s also something that I sometimes forget to practice. We all get caught up in working hard, but it’s super important to take a step back and remember to take care of yourself. It’s important for our well-being and if you want to put your best foot forward, you have to treat your mind and body well.

Here are some things I like to do to unwind from a stressful week:

  1. Get a manicure/pedicure: Believe it or not, having fresh nails changes my mood drastically. It just makes me feel clean and refreshed because if there’s one thing that bugs me, it’s looking down and seeing messed up or undone nails. Sometimes I do it myself and when I do, it’s therapeutic because I’m focusing on painting my nails rather than worrying about what I have to do or overthinking things. I also like to spend money on getting them done by a salon because I looooove sitting back and getting pampered. If your budget calls for it, get your nails done! If it doesn’t, do them yourself. Polished nails will make you feel confident the rest of the week.
  2. Read a book: I have a pile of books that I’m reading right now spanning from different types of genres: self-care, budgeting, and fiction. Reading books are a good way to feed your mind. I struggle with being too connected with my phone so whenever I need to get away from it, I pick up a book. This is a good way to disconnect.
  3. Listen to motivational podcasts: Whenever I feel discouraged or sad, I listen to motivational podcasts. Listening to peoples’ stories helps to uplift my mood. It makes me more motivated to get up and do something. Here are some of my favorite podcasts:
  4. Eat healthy: You know, sometimes when you’re so caught up in the mix of things you forget to take care of your diet. When you eat good, you feel good! I love going to the grocery store and shopping for fruits, pressed juices, and other healthy foods. It makes me feel good that I’m feeding my body the nutrients it needs.
  5. Clean while listening to music: Having a clean space gives me a sense of ease and peacefulness. When I need to unwind, I take the time out of my day to turn on some music and clean to it. I feel so good afterwards and am motivated to do more self-care.
  6. Disconnect from my phone: This one is kind of a hard one, but it’s so unhealthy for me to constantly check my phone and go on social media. Whenever I go on social media, I just compare myself so much that it brings my mood down. It’s something I’m trying to work on, but being disconnected from my phone helps me get rid of all my bad thoughts and helps me focus on myself and my well-being. I definitely want to work on doing a social media cleanse.

Sundays are for self-care so remember to pamper yourself, read a book, plan for the week, or do something that nourishes your mind, body, and soul! I hope this inspires you to put yourself first. I’m starting to think that maybe Sundays will be dedicated to writing about self-care.

P.S. I just want to thank everyone who comes on this blog and reads my posts. It means the world to me and I’m trying to get better at writing… so thank you for being patient and supportive. Love y’all!
