How To: Bullet To-Do Lists

When you have a lot going on, sometimes it’s easy to forget what you need to do so that’s where to-do lists come into play.

As a college student I have many things on my mind so I have to jot down every single thing or else I might forget or I might not even think about something that I needed to get done. This is so I am sure I’ve done all of my assignments, gone to my meetings, or any other tasks I needed to do. Basically, I can’t live without my to-do list.

I use a bullet journal which I purchased from Amazon for around $8. I choose to use bullet (dotted) journals because it’s easier for me to draw my boxes and overall make my to-do list cleaner. The pictures are of a to-do list spread I did a while back and I still follow it today!


  • I try to do calligraphy when writing the days so it stands out and then to the side of it, I add the date


  • Anything that has a time frame, I will highlight the time with the colored highlighter I have chosen for the month. 
  • This allows me to pinpoint what time and where I need to be. EFFICIENCY PEOPLE.


  • When writing down assignments I’ll jot down everything I need to do in that particular class then section it off with a bracket.
  • I draw a square in front of each task and I’ll “x” it out when I’m finished, slash “/” when I’m almost done, and a strikethrough “-” when the task gets changed to another day


  • As you can see in the picture, I separate my personal tasks from my college ones because this let’s me know what I need to do for myself- pretty self explanatory.
  • I will also put my personal events in here

Although I have a college life, I also have my own life and need to make sure I’m taking care of myself!

When I don’t have any events going on, my to-do lists can look a little more minimalistic like this spread .

Introducing bullet tasking into my life made it less stressful, more efficient, and actually a little more fun so I hope this post was helpful. I always feel satisfied crossing out tasks because it makes for a more productive day. I’ll list below some of my favorite stationary!

Ghost Grid Bullet Journal





Thank you for reading, now let’s get some tasks done.
