Book Review: Influencer by Brittany Hennessy

I’ve recently been listening to a lot of motivational podcasts, watching motivational videos, and reading many motivational books so while looking for a new a read, I picked up Influencer.

If you ever wondered how influencers become successful, this book is for you. I picked this book up prior to going on vacation and finished it within a week. Had I not been on vacation, I would have been able to finish it sooner.

I’ve always been interested in social media and how people become influencers, making it their full time job. Believe it or not, there’s a lot of work behind it and it’s definitely NOT an easy career. Brittany does a really good job in giving you insights about the industry. She gives you tips and tricks to managing your social media, but what I loved most about this book were the insights from influencers themselves. Being a content creator isn’t easy, but if you’re passionate about it, it’s possible!

After reading this book, I was more motivated than ever so that’s the reason why I’m sharing it with all of you. When you have a dream, I think one of the best ways to help you stay motivated is by reading success stories and books like this. It helps you stay driven and it’s just a fun way to make you even more excited to make your dreams come true!


Although I have a busy schedule, I’ve been trying to incorporate reading into my daily habits. After starting a full time job, I realized how little time I have left of the day when I get off. With this being said, I’m slowly learning how to manage my time with this new lifestyle change. I’m heavy on self-care (thank you, mommy) and think it’s important to remember to take care of yourself. Sometimes we get so busy that we neglect ourselves and unconsciously start to create bad habits – eating junk food, binging on social media, sleeping late… just not practicing mindfulness and self-care. R E M E M B E R to take care of yourself! I cannot stress this enough. If you’ve been wanting to work out, make time for it. If you like reading, make time for it. If you want to eat healthy, make sure you commit! It’s all easier said than done, but you have to start somewhere. Once you start practicing good habits, it’ll become a norm to you and you’ll notice how different you feel in the long run. I’m not where I want to be right now in regard to healthy habits, but I’m trying and that’s all that matters. I’ve learned to stop with excuses and to just DO IT.

Anyways, enough with my my self-care rant. I love reading so if you have any suggestions, leave a comment down below! Remember, this is a space for you – to share your thoughts, tips, and to talk to others so don’t be shy!
