6 Productive Things to Do in the Morning for a Better Day

These are 6 productive things to do in the morning, which will kickstart anyone’s day. These are all things that will help you become more productive in your daily life, and ensure that you are your best self.

Becoming a more productive individual is always something good to strive for, and if you’re anything like me, you’re constantly trying to find ways to grow. As someone who has experimented with different morning routines, I have found these actions to be the most helpful. These things fuel my energy for a good day.

My morning routine is still something I’m working on (I still have trouble waking up early some days- trying to change that!), but these are all things I have done in the past, which work, and am trying to incorporate into all of my mornings.

This post is all about productive things to do in the morning in order fuel your energy and create the best morning routine for success.

Best Productive Things to Do in the Morning

1. Wake up early

Making it a habit to wake up early helps create the best morning routine for success. Whenever I woke up at 6am, I always had the time to do things I actually wanted to do. Every one is asleep, so you have no distractions.

For instance, social media is one of the main distractions I struggle with. By waking up early, there’s nothing really happening on Instagram, Twitter, and all the other social medias. Because of this, you won’t be stuck on the app, mindlessly scrolling.

Try to create a habit of waking up early. Whether it be waking up at 6am, 5am, or waking up an hour earlier each day, work towards those early mornings! You won’t regret it.

first thing you do in the morning

2. Make your bed

Although this may seem like such a small action, it helps you start your day on the right foot. This should be the first thing you do in the morning. It’s something so easy to do, but super productive. It makes you feel like you have control over your day.

Whenever you look in your room, your bed will look tidy and you’ll feel much better.

3. Exercise

Exercising naturally makes you more energized. It doesn’t have to be a super long workout; It could be anywhere from a 15-30min workout. If you have more time, you can make it longer.

By working out in the morning, you get your exercise out of the way, and you don’t have to worry about it later on. This will train your body how to be active after waking up.

4. Get ready

Getting ready sets the tone for the day. When you look good, you feel good! Sometimes this gets brushed off, but it’s important. Take some time out of your morning routine to do your hair and makeup.

If it helps to create a quicker morning routine, set aside your clothes the night before.

Trust me, you’ll feel groggy and unproductive if your hair is a mess and you’re working in pajamas.

5. Read

You’re probably going down this list and are thinking, “How will I even have all the time to do this??” When I say read, I don’t mean read for 1-2 hours. In the mornings, I like to read personal development books. Books that don’t really get you sucked into a plot; I save those for the night.

The reason I like reading personal development books in the morning is because you can gain knowledge about a topic in one chapter. You become more motivated by the tips you’re reading in the book, which will make you even more motivated to have a productive day.

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6. Plan the day

Planning the day helps you gain an overview of the most important things you need to get done. If you don’t plan, you may end up forgetting to do an important task.

When you plan the day, you’re also creating a to-do list. As you go through your day, what’s more satisfying than checking things off your to-do list?

I like to plan in my Passion Planner, as well as keeping a daily to-do list on sticky notes. I like to stick these on my pages in my planner. It helps to keep my planner more organized, rather than writing my to-do’s all over my page.

Shop my favorite planner essentials:

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These are 6 productive things to do in the morning that anyone can incorporate into their routines.

If you needed inspiration on how to have a productive morning, I hope this helped and sparked motivation!

first thing you do in the morning
activities to do in the morning